Sunday, August 14, 2011

This Weekend

One of the things I have learned this weekend about myself, is how much of a trouble maker I am.  I really need to stop doing things that piss people off and make it hard for them to like me.  When I really stop to think about things, I believe that I am 

Friday, August 12, 2011


So, I haven't written in a while, which is one reason I was fearful for starting a blog.  Though this weekend is a good time to start crossing projects off my list.  One of the benefits is that I can at leas make progress and write my list for next week.  One project I would like to accomplish is updating this blog and adding some creativity to it.  

In terms of my eating habits, well that has not been accomplished and I truly did not expect it to.  I started off strong both last week and this week and clearly fell off the wagon.  I hope by having a weekend to accomplish things that I am able to really work on it to bring about a new perspective.  

One thing I have been thinking about is taking two classes with the local community college this next "term".  The benefit of these classes is that they are online and they can be done at ones own pace.  The one class is a teaching class, which can be fun and enlightening.  The other would be for my personal pleasure it is a creative writing course, which sounds like so much fun because I would love to spend my days writing and bloggings, or at least my off times.  

One of my other projects this weekend is to get organized for the fall.  One thing that "falls" during the fall is Christmas, so why not spend the weekend getting organized for Christmas.  

The one thing I do want to do this weekend if the world works out the way I would like is to go to the beach.  Dan and I have gone to Annapolis for the beach before and while it was not ideal I think it might be fun to try again before the summer ends.  Knee deep in the water somewhere..... :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Today music has "inspired" me.  Not sure how much however I want to list some of my songs of the day:

Gunpowder and Lead - Miranda Lambert
Who are you when I'm Not Looking - Blake Shelton
Knee Deep - The Zac Brown Band

The funny part of this is I would never say that I like any of these singers/bands.  But some times you find the best songs when your not looking.


Today isn't what I thought it would be, just a bad day all around.  It's days like this that I over indulge and just don't get things right.  I finally broke down, cleaned my desk, bought Starbucks, and put on Pandora.  Sadly that is what happens when I feel down.  Even Eeyore who sits on my desk isn't cheering me up like normal.  Oh well,  the sun is shining so I shouldn't complain.

More later, hopefully :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Figuring it out

By trying we can easily endure adversity. Another man's, I mean.- Mark Twain

Trying can be really tiring.  I mean I know what I have to do and in some ways how to get there.  But actually sitting down and doing it can be really really tough.  And tiring.  I accomplished some things since the last post.  Mainly keeping up with writing in my food journal, which is really hard.  I do give myself props because i am really noting everything, but what I am seeing isn't as bad as it could be.  Maybe because I am used to it or maybe because I really am a more honest eater?  I don't know.

I did start something else last night which I truly believe is where it is going to make a difference.  I did an exercise video.  Ok, it wasn't all that exciting but for five minutes I did the whole video.  So the challenge will be to continue that for the next thirty days and then up the videos.  Exercise has been my weak area of all of this loosing weight thing so I am sure with increasing my exercise that I should see some results.

This morning I got up and did something else I am proud of; having breakfast at home and making myself lunch.  Sadly thing should not make me excited but it did.  Knowing that what I packed for lunch is what I am going to be eating does take some of the fun out of eating, however it make me happy to know its good for me and I don't have to go far for it.

So eating healthy and working out are two big goals for right now and I know that; but I am also trying to get my apartment in a livable condition.  Not that it wasn't before, however my roommate and I have been living in our apartment for over two weeks and there are still boxes everywhere.  The challenge (at least for this week) is to get it put together and everything put away.  While doing that of course we need to figure out what needs to go, which is a challenge in and of itself.  So tonight I want to have everything put away and a list made of what else needs to be done to make it livable.

One doable goal at a time.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Growing Up

Growing up is hard.  Anyone who says it is easy is lying.  I mean really with hover parents and hover grandparents and uncles who tell you how to grow up, it just gets harder.  I would say that I am "grown up" however I am still growing.
The title of this blog is Trying and I think that is the most important thing that someone can learn.  I am not the smartest person and while there are alot of things I would like to finish, that I haven't but I want to.  I want to complete projects and areas of my life that need to be finished.
My first project is getting healthier and loosing weight.  That is a tough one for me and I ask your support.  I don't know who thinks this one would be easy but my choice is to do it or don't so I'm going to do it.  My goal would be in a year to loose 45 lbs.  Which is a huge goal but a small term goal would be half of that by Christmas.  One step at a time.