Friday, August 12, 2011


So, I haven't written in a while, which is one reason I was fearful for starting a blog.  Though this weekend is a good time to start crossing projects off my list.  One of the benefits is that I can at leas make progress and write my list for next week.  One project I would like to accomplish is updating this blog and adding some creativity to it.  

In terms of my eating habits, well that has not been accomplished and I truly did not expect it to.  I started off strong both last week and this week and clearly fell off the wagon.  I hope by having a weekend to accomplish things that I am able to really work on it to bring about a new perspective.  

One thing I have been thinking about is taking two classes with the local community college this next "term".  The benefit of these classes is that they are online and they can be done at ones own pace.  The one class is a teaching class, which can be fun and enlightening.  The other would be for my personal pleasure it is a creative writing course, which sounds like so much fun because I would love to spend my days writing and bloggings, or at least my off times.  

One of my other projects this weekend is to get organized for the fall.  One thing that "falls" during the fall is Christmas, so why not spend the weekend getting organized for Christmas.  

The one thing I do want to do this weekend if the world works out the way I would like is to go to the beach.  Dan and I have gone to Annapolis for the beach before and while it was not ideal I think it might be fun to try again before the summer ends.  Knee deep in the water somewhere..... :)

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